Photophobics no longer exist in our generation .People dont shy away from the camera these days but on the contrary give their best shot to make it the most coveted pic on social networking sites . Thanks to FB and twitter :P
Pictures oozing attitude and confidence!! Eaaaahhh
But how what about iota of Photo phobic still in existence? Remember Matthew Parry who just couldn’t keep straight face for photo shoots with Courtney Cox in FRIENDS and we laughed our lungs out on weirdest expressions he gave!
The same happened to me when one of organizations partner was up for the meeting few days back. Under the formalities entailed before client meet, partner is supposed to get a temporary ID card along with webcam generated pic embossed on the same. But alas, the poor partner, might be a photophobic, gave the most weird pose ever and the pic turned out to be a disaster and a great entertaining pic for me :P
But that just might be accidental case also. No issues
Few years back on Diwali I tried to experiment with our new camera and targeted my grandparents urging to give me one perfect couple pic. But I never knew it would be such an arduous task! Dada-jee was all good before the click but just at the time of flash, he went in attentive focusing mode giving the sincerest expressions ever prompting me to take 11 takes ! All my cousins tried their best to make him give a casual smile but to no avail!
At last the whole children clan gave up and we started off with puja celebrations. Somehow in between I noticed dadajee telling something very casually to dadee -jee while she gave a sweet smile. I ust loved that moment and immediately rushed to capture it.
Believe me or not , it turned out to be the best pic of that Diwaali !
I think there is a great photo in everyone .it’s just that it needs to be captured at the right moment :)
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